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Image by Taylor Wilcox

משיחיים ישראלים

Israeli Messianics


וְכֻלָּם קַנָּאִים לַתּוֹרָה!

מעשי השליחים כא 20

מטרת דף אינטרנט זה היא לאחד מאמינים שומרי מצוות בישראל. עלינו ליצור דרך אמצע בטוחה שבה, למרות דרגות הציות, ולבנות מניין מרוכז ישוע הפתוח מספיק לקבל יהודים משיחיים עם רקע שונה.

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תלמידי ישוע
Yeshua's Disciples

Returning Jewish believers to their original way

Yeshua's Disciples is an expression translated to Hebrew as Talmidei Yeshua  תלמידי ישוע.

The concept of a Jewish Disciple of the most important rabbi that ever walked on Earth inspired a project that is very dear to our heart. Talmidei Yeshua is the main goal of this website.


The main idea of Talmidei Yeshua is to create a way of connecting local Jewish observant believers

and enable them to meet and reclaim our legitimate space in the Jewish community as one

valid and honored Jewish expression of Faith


Messianic Jews were casted out from mainstream Jewishness for far too long and we believe it´s time to find our way back and reconnect adequately with Am Israel (the People of Israel).

If you do not live in Israel but want to help, know that we could use some financial support for this endeavor.

Your donation will be used to buy study books, pay for refreshments at the meetings, support new members who need religious items, etc. If you find in your heart the will to support us, just click on the link.

Image by vitamina poleznova
Kippa sobre Siddur

Kotel meetings

Once a month

Every month, Jewish believers have the chance to meet and celebrate the beginning of the Jewish month.
Messianic believers on the Diaspora already started to understand the importance of this heavenly commandment. It's time for us to commit with this mitzvah.



Every two weeks we join to pray together as Jews, study the weekly parsha, celebrate Kidush together and fellowship with other observant Messianics. The idea is to use these opportunities to support each other and develop each other's spiritual gifts and fruits as real Yeshua disciples.



In order to win our space in the Israeli religious community and be respected and Jews, we cannot expect that they will receive us willingly. We need to study and prepare ourselves, study poskim and halakha, practice Jewish prayer and lifestyle, develop and establish a genuine Israeli Messianic Jewish way of living.

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Image by Alex Woods

So much more than an evangelistic project

A return to the first century faith

This is more than an evangelistic project. Talmidei Yeshua is focused on supporting the Israeli believers that feel somehow disconnected from their Jewish roots. The first believers were all Jews. They all had a Jewish lifestyle. They all shared a Jewish faith with the People of Israel. Their rabbi was certainly an orthodox Jew.

Their only difference: they had the privilege to meet the Messiah Yeshua in person and that changed their lives!


The modern Israeli believers had a difficult decision to make: keep their faith in Yeshua (Jesus) and lose their connection with the mainstream Jewish traditions or, on the other side, keep their connection with the rest of Israel and compromise on their newly discovered freedom in the Holy Spirit.

I can't say they decided wrong, Yeshua is far more important than tradition. They wisely chose to keep Yeshua despite the challenges, the ostracism, the prejudices. But we believe that now is the right time to reclaim the Jewishness of the Messianic faith back!

Are we obligated to have a Jewish lifestyle? Certainly not, but are we allowed to do it? For sure!

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Yeshua's words - Matthew 5:17-20

“Do not think that I came to abolish the Law or the Prophets, I did not come to abolish but to fulfill. For truly I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest letter or stroke shall pass from the Law until all is accomplished.


Whoever then annuls one of the least of these commandments, and teaches others to do the same, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever keeps and teaches them, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven. For I say to you that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven."

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Get in touch and help!

If you feel that you want to join us and support Israeli believers to rightfully express their Jewish identity send us a message informing how do you want to help.

Joining our minyan, praying for us, sending financial support, suggesting and offering places to gather... Everything will be a blessing to us, Jewish believers of Yeshua, messiah of Israel.

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